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North Jersey Blues Society Blues & Brews: BBD Rhythm and Blues Band

On a cold February Jersey day the BBD Rhythm and Blues band served up a smoking hot show at the Montclair Brewery for the North Jersey Blues Society Blues & Brews series. Their rocking blues style had the house packed up, moving and grooving. The ultra-tight band consists of James" JB" Barnes on bass, Tommy" Earthquake" Doud on drums, and "Bluesman" Chris Mongielo on lead guitar who blistered through some well-known covers as well as some killer originals from their current CD release "JB's Favorite Things". "Harpdawg" Tony Sky joins the party for a few songs. The room was jumping and the show went a little into OT as the crowd cheered on. These bluesmen, who sometimes play rock and roll, seemed to be on a mission! Creating a fantastic afternoon of of epic rockin blues. Thanks guys, mission to accomplished!


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